Astra Fund Workforce BV

Astra Fund Workforce BV is a Dutch employment agency specialised in providing personnel for companies active in the agricultural sector. Especially in the flower export segment. Whether you are looking for employees for your greenhouses, for your flowers and plants export company or for your fresh logistics, we are here to help. We carefully select people who would like to work in Holland, estimate their capacities and experience, give them extra education if necessary, and after that find a right employer for them. We have our own training facilities and because of that we are always able to provide personnel qualified for the job, to ensure that employers never get employees who do not know what to do.

On the other hand, we also make sure that our employees find only the best jobs in Holland. We work exclusively with good and trustworthy employers, all of whom we know personally. We take good care of timely payment, good salary and other working conditions. We are a member of the NBBU and we are SNA certified to ensure that all the procedures and legal demands are strictly met. Should one be interested in finding a suitable and lasting job in Holland – we are the right address.

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